I was hungry and you fed me,
I was thirsty and you gave me a drink,
I was homeless and you gave me a room,
I was shivering and you gave me clothes,
I was sick and you stopped to visit,
I was in prison and you came to me.’
37-40 “Then those ‘sheep’ are going to say, ‘Master, what are you talking about? When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you a drink? And when did we ever see you sick or in prison and come to you?’ Then the King will say, ‘I’m telling the solemn truth:
Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me — you did it to me.’ MATTHEW 25:35-40
In the days ahead it will be harder and harder to get groceries. And other essentials that we need.

I dearly hope, that as you and I get creative in finding the resources that you and your family need. That we also consider TITHING our groceries and other essentials. Add an extra 10% to our online order. And find a way to give it to the Food Pantries that are still able to help clients.
I dearly hope, in the days ahead, that as resources become more scarce, as we fear for our own sources of income, that we think and pray about how to still be Extravagantly Generous.
It takes EXTRAVAGANT GENEROSITY to practice Companionship.
Extravagant Generosity is biblical. So is Companionship. But both are … far too rare … in a world that seems so often to be striving for GREATness. But all too often forgets about GOODness.
In the days ahead, Extravagant Generosity will be needed. As our economy grinds closer to a halt during this self-quarantine, people will become more and more HUNGRY. Access to food will become increasingly difficult. Especially for those facing housing insecurity, food insecurity, and other forms of economic insecurity. And a number of Food Pantries will be closing. At least temporarily.
Extravagant Generosity might require some of us to be willing to SACRIFICE something for others to be fed.
In the days ahead, Extravagant Generosity will be needed. As the number of people infected by the virus continues to climb, those most vulnerable are often the ones who have the hardest time getting tested. And getting treated. Especially in a safe, healthy environment. Access to hospital beds and medicine and MEDICAL SUPPLIES will become increasingly difficult. Especially for those facing housing insecurity, food insecurity, and other forms of economic insecurity. And a number of Medical Facilities will become overwhelmed, especially those that treat the poorest and sickest in our communities
Extravagant Generosity might require some of us to be willing to SACRIFICE our own health to assist others in accessing available health care.
Now I like the word … GENEROUS. Don’t you?
But I’m not so fond of the word … SACRIFICE. How about you?
Generous is the SPIRIT.
Sacrifice is the MECHANISM.

But the SPIRIT … without the MECHANISM … leads to a lot of mathematical problems. “Generous,” all by itself is too abstract to have meaning. If I say, “Be generous!!,” but don’t attach some kind of number, some kind of formula, then everyone and anyone can claim to be generous. The Spirit and the Mechanism need to match. They need to be connected for our giving to mean something. To ourselves. And to others.
Ahhhh. Mean something. To OTHERS. Therein is the challenge of Generosity. And the challenge with the concept of Sacrifice. On the one hand, our Giving is just between us and God, isn’t it? It doesn’t need to be the business of OTHERS. Does it?
Except that the whole concept of Generous Giving is this: Somebody GIVES. And somebody RECEIVES. Now there is much, much more to the equation than that. Thanks be to God!! But Generous Giving means there is always a consideration, not only of GOD, and God’s generous nature. Generous Giving means that we are always considering OTHERS as well.
Not only the WHO, but the WHOM.
The WHO is the One who encourages us to learn about the Joy of Giving. GOD.
The WHOM are those, first, to WHOM we give. The church. Nonprofit organizations.
But the WHOM is, most importantly, those for WHOM we give. Those most vulnerable and in need. The ones whose care and welfare provide the Mission and Purpose for our giving. We want to know what happens with the resources we give. WHO are the ones who benefit? WHO are the ones whose lives may change because of our Extravagant Giving?
And the ones whose lives CHANGE most with Extravagant Giving? Who is affected more? Those who give? Or those who receive? Or both? Or all of the above?
I liken generosity to our BLOOD FLOW.
Our arteries are different from our veins. The walls of our arteries have muscle tissue interwoven around the blood vessels. That’s to help accelerate the flow of clean, fresh blood FROM the heart and TO the places where clean, fresh blood is needed.
Generosity does the same thing. It takes needed resources FROM the heart and sends it TO the places where those resources are dearly needed.

And that’s why hardening of the arteries is such a problem. When the arteries get too hard. When the heart gets too hard. The needed resources stop flowing. And we have plenty of justifications for the problems in our diet. That harden the arteries.
That cause us to want to slow the flow of resources FROM our heart … TO the places where those resources are needed most.
And it’s almost always a matter of nutrition. Are we pumping our heart full of the Good Gifts God has given us. That might be healthy food, plenty of vegetables and lots of water. But that also definitely means plenty of gratitude, thanksgiving and abundant appreciation for what God has given us. For the best way to keep our blood flowing freely is to offer the world the same generosity that God has already given to us.
Thank you, God. Thank you, God. Thank you, God!!

Over the past ten years, church leaders have diligently tried to transform their congregations through what Robert Schnase calls the FIVE PRACTICES: 1) Radical Hospitality, 2) Passionate Worship, 3) Intentional Faith Development, 4) Risk-Taking Mission and Service, and 5) EXTRAVAGANT GENEROSITY.
The problem I find with lists like these is that Extravagant Generosity is usually the last thing we consider, rather than the FIRST FRUIT. Just like Tithing 10% is all too often the ceiling for our giving, rather than the floor.
I contend that the health of an individual, the health of a congregation, and the health of a community is always affected most by that number 5 on that list.
As important as 1-4 might be, the most faithful of us gradually understand that Extravagant Generosity is the top priority. Not the fifth.
Extravagant Generosity comes from our FIRST FRUITS. Not our Fifth.
And we understand why.
It’s all about blood flow. It’s all about how many resources we are ready to let God give to us. Because the more generously we let God’s love flow through us, the more our lives are changed.

And the more generous we learn to become. The more generous the world around us becomes.
I don’t fully understand how it happens that way. Or why.
But I can tell you. In the days ahead, you will certainly get a chance to discover how. And why.
And I hope. I pray. That you and I. Make the most of this chance to be …

That we are practicing at Mt. Olive during this time of Self-Quarantine
(and, hopefully, LONG AFTER as well).
1) The Health of our Mt. Olive PEOPLE is VERY Important
If you Need Help getting Tested or Treated -- WE will find a way to HELP!!
Self-Quarantine in Groups of less than 10. Wash your Hands. Don't touch your Face. AND. Practice Social Distancing.
2) The Health of our Mt. Olive CONGREGATION is VERY Important
Get GOOD at ONLINE Communication
Meet with and CONNECT with Members and Friends on Facebook, Instagram, Text, E-mail, or even, old fashioned Phone Calls!!
Share GENEROUSLY. Keep your TITHES current. This helps us better respond to the needs of our neighborhood during this Public Health Challenge.
3) This New Normal is a MARATHON not a Sprint
Let's HELP each other STAY HEALTH in Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength
Check in to Pastor Todd's Blog at https://bruningt.wixsite.com/companionship
4) EVERY WEEK each Mt. Olive Person will REACH OUT to Another Mt. Olive Person
We will set up a system so that you get a call from somebody every week
We will also ask you to contact one, two or three people every week, just to ask, "How can I pray for you?
5) We will find NEW WAYS to Reach Out to our Mt. Olive NEIGHBORS
We will post Volunteer Opportunities on the Blog Site
How can you SAFELY reach out to our Fair Park Neighbors ... or your own Neighbors?
6) Practice COMPANIONSHIP as much as Possible
Keep in CONTACT with each other; especially others you don't know well
Learn more about how to Connect SIDE-BY-SIDE
Help set up a CIRCLE of CARE for yourself ... your family ... your COMPANIONS