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Writer's pictureJ. Todd Bruning

Thurs. 05.21.20 7 PM - EACH ONE REACH ONE (Or Two)

Updated: May 21, 2020

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(The Message - MSG)

19-23 Even though I am free of the demands and expectations of everyone, I have voluntarily BECOME A SERVANT to any and all in order to reach a WIDE RANGE OF PEOPLE: religious, nonreligious, meticulous moralists, loose-living immoralists, the defeated, the demoralized—whoever. I didn’t take on their way of life. I kept my bearings in Christ—but I ENTERED THEIR WORLD and tried to experience things from their point of view. I’ve become just about every SORT OF SERVANT there is in my attempts to lead those I meet into a God-saved life. I did all this because of the Message. I didn’t just want to TALK about it; I wanted to BE IN on it!


I believe this is the cornerstone of the ministry of Jesus: Each one reach one (or two) at a time. Especially in the Gospel of John we see Jesus reach out one on one a lot. Nicodemus (chapter 3). The woman at the well (4). The man born blind (9). But in the other gospels too.

In Luke 9 & 10, as Jesus sends his followers out, first the twelve and then the 72, Jesus uses a different kind of math. He sent two to reach one (or two).

In Matthew 18 Jesus says, wherever two or three are gathered … in His name … He is there.

This concept of EACH ONE REACH ONE seems to be a cornerstone of His ministry. And it seems to be a significant teaching point in preparing his disciples for ministry as well.

But we tend to find that big numbers are more impressive. We are often captivated by the 5000 that were fed from five loaves and two fish. Or the 3000 that were baptized on the day of Pentecost. And we too strive for these big numbers.

Often forgetting that every big number starts with small numbers. Every time.

Before any big numbers ever happen there are dedicated disciples making sure that EACH ONE REACHES ONE (or Two). That is the essence of community organizing. Focusing on the small numbers first. Forming relationships with integrity. Asking questions. Discovering passions. Uncovering needs. Building trust. That is the essence of community organizing.

And, I will submit, that is where the work of the Holy Spirit always begins. In the small numbers. When EACH ONE REACHES ONE (or Two).

The second cornerstone of Jesus’ ministry (and community organizing) was the Caucus. The Small Group. The CIRCLE of CARE.

Caucus in Latin means “drinking vessel”. So we might imagine it as the size of group that gathers around coffee or tea or some other favorite drink … and discusses something important. Six … eight … eleven … maybe twelve. Leaving an open chair for a late arriving friend … or a stranger … or the prophet Elijah … or the rabbi Jesus … or the comforting Holy Spirit to join in the conversation.

In America the term Caucus became important just before the Revolutionary War, as important conversations about Freedom and Liberty were taking place. Some say the term came from the gatherings of shipwrights around Boston Harbor, the “caulkers” who planned protests and rebellions around drinking vessels.

I like to think of important words as springing up from multiple sources. There is also an Algonquian word, “cau’ –cau-as’u” that means to guide or to counsel. Also, in Algonquian, an advisor or preacher or orator is called a cawaassough.

But as local politics has given way to state politics and then national politics, and our interests focus more on large numbers than small numbers, the word “caucus” has all but disappeared from our vocabulary. And even in churches that emphasize Small Group Ministry, we don’t always remember the vital importance of a CIRCLE of CARE.

In fact, we rarely leave room for the CIRCLE of CARE, a devotion, a Bible Study, a Prayer Group, in our personal lives, family lives, church lives, work lives or corporate lives. A CIRCLE of CARE rarely addresses things that are urgent, except in moments of crisis. But a CIRCLE of CARE is so essential in reminding us about the things, about the ones, about the ONE, who is … and are so VERY IMPORTANT.

So, in churches and organizations where the practice of forming CIRCLES of CARE or a Caucuses or a Small Groups has been forgotten, we often need to start with EACH ONE REACH ONE (or Two). And build our CIRCLES from there.

Based on this thinking, I have created a method for introducing both EACH ONE REACH ONE and CIRCLES of CARE into the life of a fairly healthy, fairly active, fairly vibrant church … of any size. If fairly healthy, fairly active and fairly vibrant does not describe your church well, it might need to start much more slowly than this. And that’s a whole different discussion.

But here’s how the math works in small numbers.

When EACH ONE REACHES ONE (or Two), there are THREE people involved. The ONE who is reaching out. And the ONE plus ONE to whom they reach out. That’s THREE. And I call this THREE the 1st Generation. Every message, every prayer request, every need, every hope, every dream begins to find life in this 1st Generation … if our conversation is held in the name of Christ … knowing Jesus is present.

Add one more Generation and you get a Group of SEVEN. That is a CIRCLE of CARE. The ONE who is reaching out. And the ONE plus ONE to whom they reach out. And the ONE plus ONE to whom each of them reaches out.

That’s Two times THREE plus ONE = SEVEN

Whether the math makes sense or not to you doesn’t matter. Whether the diagram helps or not doesn’t matter. It works. Incredibly well. When each person, faithfully reaches out to one other person … plus one additional person … yes, with the help of God … yes, with the comforting presence of the Holy Spirit.

And miracles happen. Especially as the message, the prayer request, the need is faithfully passed along to additional generations.

By the time 10 Generations are reached, one thousand and twenty-four people have heard the need, prayed over the request, participated in passing along the message.

All it takes, for small numbers to grow into big numbers, are these three things:

1) EACH ONE in the congregation prays for the Holy Spirit to help them understand and share the spirit of 1 Corinthians 9:19-23. “[Each one of us] voluntarily BECOME(S) A SERVANT to any and all in order to reach a WIDE RANGE OF PEOPLE”; where we become VEHICLES through which the GOOD MESSAGE is spread, and we [don’t] just want to TALK about it; [we want] to BE IN on it!”

2) SEVEN people (or disciples or leaders, you choose your term) faithfully practice forming a 1st Generation CIRCLE of CARE (ONE plus 2 times THREE = SEVEN). They stay in touch with each other between Sundays, they care for each other, pray for each other, find ways to serve, support and encourage one another. And they help create the infrastructure and pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in helping new Generations of CIRCLES of CARE to form.

3) For three months, EVERYONE in the CIRCLE of CARE prays this prayer, and shares with ONE other person how God is preparing their heart for something important:

Dear Lord, Even though, like You, I am free of the demands and expectations of everyone, like you, I have voluntarily BECOME A SERVANT to any and all in order to reach a WIDE RANGE OF PEOPLE: religious, nonreligious, meticulous moralists, loose-living immoralists, the defeated, the demoralized — whoever. I don’t take on their way of life, for each of us is called to a different path. I keep my bearings in Christ — and I ENTER THEIR WORLD and try to experience things from their point of view. Dear Lord, help me learn to be a Companion like you. I am willing to become just about any SORT OF SERVANT you call me to become in order to share your grace and help others experience a God-saved life. Make me a VEHICLE through which the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ, your Message of love, grace, peace, hope, and joy is spread. I don’t just want to TALK about following you; I wanted to BE IN on following you! Amen.

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